The Thrill of the Chase

A well-considered large pursuit capture strategy should initially be drafted years in advance of a formal release of the Request for Proposals (RFP).

This may seem like motherhood, but we rarely see well developed, long term, mature capture strategies, even in corporations with sophisticated bid and capture processes. More often we see some combination of last minute decisions, very poor competitive intel, simplistic pricing, late teaming, unnecessary additional program costs, and risk.

Why?  Most likely because humans generally hold off, fear mistakes, want more certainty, like to deal in “the now” and underestimate their competition. Our articles on human biases here and here explore this issue. Continue reading

Psychological Sleight of Hand – Part 2

In Part 1, “It’s All Your Fault”, we briefly explored current thinking on human biases and the role of optimism in human evolution. We declared that common biases, including our inherent optimism, are key contributors to our persistent inability to complete programs on time and within budget.

In this article, we identify some key actions that you can take to acknowledge, temper and compensate for common problematic human behaviours.

This is a long and detailed article – it is not a simple problem. If the contents ring true, we can help you self-assess and identify those strategies that best fit your reality.

Why should you get outside help? Because, apart from the fact that your circumstances are unique, as we noted in Part 1 you and your team carry a suitcase full of biases that impede your ability to act objectively.

Please read Part 1 before you proceed. Continue reading

Psychological Sleight of Hand – Part 1, The Optimistic Ape

Anthropologists estimate that four or five million years ago, an ape moved down from the trees and looked out of the forest across the tall swaying grasses of the Savannah.  Likely driven by local climate changes and a need for food, he rose on two legs to see over the long grass. Grass that hid dangers, predators and unknowns. Others had tried to cross, with mixed and often tragic results. But he knew that he was bigger, stronger and more sure footed. And he knew that he would persevere where others had failed.

He was an optimistic ape.

Thus began a spiral of human evolution that led to better diets, higher birth rates, bigger brains and tools. His optimistic outlook, so fundamental to successful evolution, persists in us today. It is central to our ability to function, plan, conceive of new opportunities, to seize the day and make progress.

Perversely it also sets us up for persistent project overruns and schedule slippage. Continue reading

The Five Stages of Strategic Grief

Way back in 1969, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wrote the book “On Death and Dying” in which she described a model commonly referred to as the “five stages of grief”.  Applied to terminally ill patients, the stages were: denial, anger, depression, bargaining and acceptance.

The model stuck and has been used in many settings. It transpires that a variation on the theme has relevance in the field of business marketing and competitive forces.

Surprised and intrigued? We were. Continue reading

Known and Unknown

In February of 2002, Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense for the United States, made his now famous “There are known knowns” statement.   Love him or leave him, Rumsfeld’s remarks were widely quoted and have since found their way into numerous writings. It transpires that although we believe that his statement is logically incomplete and it has been criticised as an abuse of the English language [1], it is worth dissecting as it relates to the development of business strategies. Continue reading

A World of Change

The business world is undergoing rapid change … again.

We see change being driven by many factors, including;

  • Evolving technologies such as social media, smart phones and tablets,
  • Cultural flattening caused in part by inexpensive world travel, globalization and cross border media access,
  • Changing attitudes towards employment,
  • Rapidly changing social and economic conditions, coupled with evolving outlooks on wealth and security in World’s fastest growing economies – China, India, Brazil and others,
  • Upward pressure on the price of oil, despite recent fluctuations – and growing concern about CO2 levels (400 ppm and growing) and their implications, and
  • The recent financial disruptions that have rippled across the highly connected world of business.

Rapid change has happened before; it was once triggered by the industrial revolution and again by social changes spurred by two world wars and the rise of cheap oil.  Continue reading