What can you say in 140 characters?
Quite a lot it seems. Increasingly we use trusted sources on Twitter to provide headlines and links to news and useful articles and resources.
Don’t know who to follow? Have a look at who respected sources are following – go from there.
The trick isn’t figuring out who to follow, it’s figuring out who not to follow.
These are worth following;
We follow a lot of news and business feeds. Some of these are very rich in content and some have nuggets buried in an avalanche of tweets and posts.
- The Economist: @The Economist and @EconBizFin – these are excellent. Lots of blog sources on economist.com/blogs
- Harvard Business Review: @HarvardBiz and @ManagementTip and @DailyStat – you need to sift through these as there are lots of repeats and quite a number of referred articles that are marginal. blogs.hbr.org/
- Bloomberg News: @BloombergNews and blog.bloomberg.com
- Stratford: @StratfordMgrs and stratfordmanagers.com/blog/
- Scientific American: @Sciam and rss.sciam.com/all-blogs/feed
- Forrester Research: @forrester and blogs.forrester.com/feed
- Financial Times: @FinancialTimes and multiple blogs at ft.com/comment/blogs
- Wall Street Journal Business News: @WSJbusiness and blogs.wsj.com/
And, you can follow us
Though we might not be all that prolific, we do write on occasion and would love to engage in a dialog about the topics the that are central to what we do.
- The Neural Net page, and RSS feed: “synappsys.ca/feed/”
- On twitter: @synappsys_ca