The Thrill of the Chase

A well-considered large pursuit capture strategy should initially be drafted years in advance of a formal release of the Request for Proposals (RFP).

This may seem like motherhood, but we rarely see well developed, long term, mature capture strategies, even in corporations with sophisticated bid and capture processes. More often we see some combination of last minute decisions, very poor competitive intel, simplistic pricing, late teaming, unnecessary additional program costs, and risk.

Why?  Most likely because humans generally hold off, fear mistakes, want more certainty, like to deal in “the now” and underestimate their competition. Our articles on human biases here and here explore this issue. Continue reading

Proposal Best Practices

We have seen a lot go right and wrong over many years and many proposals. We have learned that, regardless of the type of opportunity or the size of program or target market, there are common threads – things that work well and common behaviours that trip up proposal teams. This article provides a high level overview of some of the key lessons that we have learned, with emphasis on what should be done in advance of the formal RFP release. Continue reading

Why we buy brands

Cust Value PyramidCustomers buy from you for a large number of reasons and the psychology of purchase decisions is very complex.  At a very basic level, however, you can allocate most customers into one of four value bins.

We have expressed this as a pyramid (consultants love geometric shapes for some reason), reflecting the diminishing number of customers at each level.

Your job is to move customers up the value pyramid.

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